Tuesday, September 2, 2008

I am really proud of this!! Finally finished!

This is the top crown of the lamp with the lights lit from the inside. Pretty dynamic I think, especially against the brown wood. The glass is expensive Italian glass, with pink and green shades swirled around within each other. A green vase was broken and used with glass flowers attached at the base. Glass gems of yellow, and green were soldered in for accents. Pink/rose and green are the main colors of this piece.
With lights lit it creates a dramatic effect.

If you follow the pictures on this blog you can see what this used to look like and what it came from. Lamps are probably the most challenging projects that I undertake as a glass artist.
Anything created without a traditional frame for support requires that the support must come from within itself. So as I soldered each piece into place I had to think of balance, stability over time, and logical flow of the overall design. The idea and labor for this lamp just came one morning while a girlfriend and I were in my studio/bus. As she sat and relaxed, I fiddled around with my "stuff". While she and I talked my hands started to pull together this idea for a lamp. It came so easy!

This is another angle of the lamp, at every turn there is new glass, new designs and colors.

As it looks on display.

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