I cut the shape of this skull from an actual cow skull I had bought at my favorite, nik-nak, antique store earlier this summer.
Going to attache the real horns to the glass piece when complete.
It will look something like this. The basic shape of the skull has been established, but I have to add more glass to finish the shape. The top right hand side of the skull are glass pieces from a broken lampshade.
Put my needle nose pliers nearby, so you could get the sense of how big this skull will be.
Once I have it completed, I plan to have it hang from a wall. with lights on up inside...cool huh!
2013 will mark my 13th year working with glass. My third year in painting. I push the envelope as far as what I can create with both mediums. Good things happen when glass breaks or mistakes happen...from there more is beautifully and meaningfully revealed.
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