Saturday, November 28, 2009
A New Mexico Thanksgiving
Thank you for taking the time to visit my art blog which documents my artful life.
This past Thanksgiving, my boyfriend and I went to New Mexico. I visited several galleries of course and even visited with a few gallery owners about the glass art I create. Even though those visits fed my artful spirit - the hike to Williams Lake on Thanksgiving Day fed the part of me that loves nature and longs to be in its beautiful surroundings. We chose an eight mile hike up into the Kit Carson National Park...climbing a high mountain north of the Taos Valley Ski Lodge. This trail led us to a now-frozen lake called "Williams Lake". More than half of those eight miles were uphill, trudging through winding hills in the snow. We met a handful of people - complete strangers who we wished well.
I can't tell you how beautiful and serene this place was for us on such a special day. Below are some photos and a few videos I took while we hiked. Following - some more photos of basically anything that peaked my interest while in this land of enchantment.
Videos during the on the big arrow to start the video...
What fun we had - a great workout - and no extra calories taken in for Thanksgiving!
Laughing at the top of the mountain.
I wish I had walked down to the lake...but we were pretty tired by the time we had made it there. We also did not want to walk back down the trail in the dark.
The lake doesn't look far - but if you look closely to the left edge - you can see a black spot. That spot was a family of five, one man and four kids hanging out near the lake's edge. I guess I will have to come back in the spring and visit the edge of the lake at that time.
We made it to the top.
You can see the frozen lake below from where this photo was taken.
A part of the trail where it had opened up. The sun was so bright here, the snow so clean, white, and untouched.
Bottom of a big log that had fallen...
More random and interesting things we saw...
Cool Mosaic sign.
Downtown Taos.
I love this bracelet. I got this through a private commission I completed for a customer. Isn't it cool? I loved wearing it.
Church north of Taos, New Mexico - cool fixtures on a Coffee Bistro
Wednesday, November 25, 2009
The stained glass work I saw...
Me walking....gotta figure out a way to turn the video right side up!
I don't know...just felt like making this little video...but - I need to figure out how to rotate. Did you get a sore neck watching this...
Hanging out at this little village....
Odds and ends...
An unusual place...amongst the fancy galleries...
Things I have seen....
Chattering Crows up in the trees near some galleries in Santa Fe, NM
There are lots of ravens - or crows flying around through the trees here in Santa Fe. They are big big birds....and they make a lot of noise when all together.