Snow dusted the mountains and windmills span. Peeking over the top.
A few on a top ridge photographed from behind.
Windmills at dusk.
We drove through these mountains soon after we left Bakersfield, California. What a site to see these windmills all over the mountains, spinning to create energy. They weren't placed just anywhere but on selected ridges and curves to catch the current of the winds. I liked to look at the different ways they were placed in the mountains in relation to what directions the wind blew. Some were large windmills placed high up on mountaintops and smaller windmills were placed down deeper in the ridges.
2013 will mark my 13th year working with glass. My third year in painting. I push the envelope as far as what I can create with both mediums. Good things happen when glass breaks or mistakes happen...from there more is beautifully and meaningfully revealed.
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